#44: WWDC23 With Mohammad Azam

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The trio are joined by developer and educator, Mohammad Azam to discuss some of the big announcements from WWDC23. Topics include Swift Macros, SwiftData, app architecture patterns, server-side swift, and more! There are ton of great links in the show notes this episode, so be sure to check them out! When you are done, follow some of the links to Azam's courses and content. We have found his work to be very helpful in our own developer journeys and maybe you will, too!

## Topics Discussed:

- Welcome Azam!

- Azam’s WWDC23 Highlights

- Swift Macros

- SwiftData

- VisionOS

- visonOS/Vision Pro

- Swift Macros / Observable

- SwiftData & App Architecture

- Building Large-Scale Apps with SwiftUI: A Guide to Modular Architecture

- https://azamsharp.com/2023/02/28/building-large-scale-apps-swiftui.html

- Backyard Birds Sample Code (WWDC23)

- https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/backyard-birds-sample

- Food Truck Sample Code (WWDC22)

- https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/food_truck_building_a_swiftui_multiplatform_app

- Data Essentials in SwiftUI (WWDC20)

- https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10040/

- Server-Side Swift

- Use Xcode for server-side development (WWDC22)

- https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/110360/

- Vapor

- https://vapor.codes/

- Express

- https://expressjs.com/

- Machine Learning / CreateML

- Azam’s CreateML Workshop Preview

- Tabular Data

- What’s a tomato?

- ChatGPT

- Azam’s Content / Production Tips & Tricks

- Twitter: https://twitter.com/azamsharp

- Web: https://azamsharp.com/

- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKvDySsrOVgUgRLhWHeyHJA

- Udemy Courses: https://www.udemy.com/user/mohammad-azam-2/

- Bonus: Azam’s Developer Advice

Intro music: "When I Hit the Floor", © 2021 Lorne Behrman. Used with permission of the artist.

#44: WWDC23 With Mohammad Azam
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