#63: Living 9 to 5

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Jumping off from one of our topics last episode, this week we are tackling the idea of working a 9 to 5 with a side project. What are the challenges? How do you maintain motivation? What time management strategies work? Are there any tools that can help you stay organized? Steve has some concrete tips based on his recent experience trying to juggle side projects and a day job while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Kotaro and Aaron provide the perspective of developers working a traditional in-office, corporate job and the challenges that creates for side project success. Along the way, we discuss how to make a website using Swift, the WWDC24 announcement, and Kotaro shares his latest insights about Reality Composer Pro. There are some good tips, tools, and techniques in this episode for those trying to find a healthy balance while working towards that side project dream.

## Topics Discussed:

- Introductions

- Using Swift to Build a Website

- https://github.com/twostraws/Ignite

- https://github.com/johnsundell/publish

- Flutter vs React vs Native

- News: WWDC24 Announced

- Fun With Reality Composer Pro

- 9 to 5 Lifestyle with a Side Project

- Four Thousand Weeks book (not an affiliate link)

- https://www.amazon.com/Four-Thousand-Weeks-Management-Mortals/dp/0374159122

- Sleep++

- https://sleepplusplus.app

- Wrap-Up & Not a Sponsor

- https://AzamSharp.school

Intro music: "When I Hit the Floor", © 2021 Lorne Behrman. Used with permission of the artist.

#63: Living 9 to 5
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